Brigitte Buscail-Lipsky participated to the Salon d'Automne 2012 on the Champs-Elysées (Paris-France) in October 2012 |
An intensive fire – the fire of creativity given full rein – animates the work of Brigitte Buscail-Lipsky.
The spontaneity and intensity of her artistic expression shine
in a perfectly built world where she knows how to give and share.
Her paintings are pure energy, delivered via recurrent themes of music, fiesta and masquerade.
Her palette matches the vitality of her subject matter. Often dominated
by reds, whose secret she alone knows, her colors are always lively and sincere, and she often uses bold harmonies of tone to
drive home her message.
Her people – always numerous, often masked or made up
communicate with each other and with us in an intense, inevitable and imperious interactivity of the moment, a kind of Commedia del Arte – human comedy in the drama of life!
François Camarra - Univers des Arts - Summer 2000
Ecoutons « regardons plutôt » cette appréciation de Ratimir Pavlović « chez Brigitte Buscail-Lipsky les Couleurs naissent comme le soleil se lève. »